SBC Amendment

Let's Finish What We Started...

A Call to Ratify the Law Amendment


The Bible and the Baptist Faith & Message (2000) allow only qualified men as pastors.


There are currently over 1000 SBC churches with female pastors. Historically, denominations that allow female pastors ‘progress’ to affirm homosexual pastors.


The Law Amendment gives needed clarity to the Credentials Committee, guards SBC from gender confusion, and upholds God's beautiful design for men and women.


Vote to ratify the Law Amendment in Indianapolis on June 10-11 and resist attempts to obstruct the Amendment by changing its wording or delaying it until next year.

Our goal is to amend the SBC constitution in Article 3, Paragraph 1 to read, “. . . a church [is] in friendly cooperation with the Convention . . . which . . .
"6. Affirms, appoints, or employs only men as any kind of pastor or elder as qualified by Scripture."